Episode 3: Envisioning Better Mental Health for Hong Kong after Covid-19


It has been a turbulent year for Hong Kong. It is fair to suspect that most of us are feeling tired, frustrated, and perhaps even hopeless. Although few would immediately associate our city’s situation with disaster-stricken or war-torn regions, there is much we can learn from survivors of large-scale calamities; Recovery is possible, resilience can be built, and growth cultivated. The question is how. In this session, I seek to give my two-cents as a researcher and clinician interested in disaster mental health. Please send me your questions via the event webpage, and we can collectively edify each other.

過去一年,香港動盪不安, 我們或許都曾疲憊、沮喪、甚至對前景感到無望。儘管我城的狀況與烽煙四起、遭天災人禍摧殘的地區不盡相同,我們仍可以從災難倖存者中學習培養韌性 、蛻變成長、步向復原。此次網上分享我將從災後心理健康的角度出發,分享意見。歡迎您透過[心理 · 理心] 網頁向我提問,互相啟發。

Date / 日期: 2020-06-12
Time / 時間: 12:00noon (中午12點)
Language / 語言: Cantonese (廣東話)


Dr Christian S. Chan received a BA in psychology from McGill University and a MA and an APA-accredited PhD in clinical psychology from University of Massachusetts Boston. He completed his clinical training at Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School and New York Presbyterian Hospital/Cornell Medical School. His research interests include disaster mental health, positive youth development, and intergroup relations. His work has been published in top journals in his field, including Clinical Psychology Review, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology and Journal of Traumatic Stress. He was a visiting scholar at Nagoya University (2014), New York University (2015), and The University of Queensland (2015).

HKU Psychology