Episode 2: Sleep and Health

從[心]安眠 – 關於一夜好眠的迷思

Sleep problems are common complaints in our modern society. Meanwhile, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused much disruption to our daily life. Some of us may be particularly affected due to a series of unexpected changes and the stress, worry and anxiety associated with the pandemic, and have trouble sleeping during these unprecedented times. This sharing session will try to address people’s concerns about their sleep and discuss ways to get a good night’s sleep.

繁忙的都市人常常會有睡眠的困擾,但不瞭解該如何處理。 面對新冠肺炎疫情, 大家的工作、學習和生活方式都大大受到影響。 在疫情下,很多人的生活習慣也發生變化, 有些人因為疫情變得憂心焦慮、 難以入眠和睡眠質素轉差。 此次網上分享讓大家認識睡眠, 探討如何幫助自己一夜好眠。

Date / 日期: 2020-06-05
Language / 語言: Cantonese (廣東話)


Dr Shirley Li graduated from University of Toronto where she received her Honours BSc in psychology. She obtained her MA in Trauma Psychology and PhD in Medical Sciences (Psychiatry) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and received her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) from University College London. She is a Registered Clinical Psychologist in the UK and an Associate Fellow of British Psychological Society. Her clinical and research interests centre on sleep and sleep disorders, particularly the interplay between sleep disturbance and mental health, and psychological and behavioural treatments of sleep problems in the context of psychiatric and medical illnesses in children and adults. Dr. Li has published in top medical and psychiatric journals, such as Sleep, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Journal of  Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, Neurology, and Paediatrics. She received the Elio Lugaresi WASM Award for Sleep Medicine from the World Association of Sleep Medicine in 2009. She was awarded the Young Investigator Award in the World Congress on Sleep Medicine in 2013 and 2015 respectively.

HKU Psychology

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