Episode 5: Lifestyle Determinants of Mental and Physical Wellness


Lifestyle factors are key predictors of both mental and physical health. Several months of social distancing may have disrupted your lifestyle and negatively impacted your wellbeing. In this talk, I will share some tips on how to create new habits that promote better psychological and physical wellness.

我們的生活方式與精神及身體健康是息息相關的。過去幾個月的社交隔離可能影響到你的生活方式並對你的身心健康造成一定的衝擊。在此短講, 我會分享一些建立健康生活方式的方法,從而提升身心健康。

Date / 日期: 2020-06-26
Time / 時間: 12:00noon (中午12點)
Language / 語言: Cantonese (廣東話)


Dr Wai Sze Chan is a researcher and a licensed clinical psychologist. She is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Chan received her PhD in Clinical Psychological Science from the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University and completed a postdoctoral fellowship specializing in behavioural sleep medicine at the University of Missouri. Prior to joining HKU, she was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College and a licensed practicing clinical psychologist in the state of New Hampshire, USA. Her research programme focuses on developing and evaluating sleep interventions for insomnia in patients with comorbid medical and psychiatric illnesses. She is broadly interested in the effects of poor sleep on self-regulation and the subsequent impact on health behaviour and emotional regulation. Her work has been published in the Sleep Medicine Review, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, Sleep Medicine, Journal of Sleep Research, International Journal of Obesity, and International Journal of Eating Disorders.

HKU Psychology