Prof. Xiaoqing HU

Associate Professor

Prof. LEE Tatia Mei-chun

Office: 6.62

Phone: (852) 3917-2291


Curriculum Vitae


Google Scholar




  • Ph.D. Northwestern University 2014
  • M.S. Northwestern University 2010
  • M. Education. Zhejiang Normal University 2009
  • B.S. Zhejiang University 2006


• Sleep: How sleep shapes our memories, emotions and mental wellness, and how to manipulate memory and emotion during sleep?
• Memory: How memories are acquired, updated, corrected, and retrieved, and how unwelcome memories can be controlled and forgotten?
• Social Learning: How we know about ourselves, how we acquire likes and dislikes, and how we learn from others?



underline denotes undergraduate/research assistant/graduate/post-doc trainee author(s) under my supervision, # denotes co-first author(s), * denotes corresponding author(s).


Guo, S., Zhong, Y., & Hu, X.* (2024). Properties of AI-generated images that influence misinformation belief and correction efficacy.

Yao, Z., Wei, J., Huang, G., Li, L., Liang, Z., Zhang, L., Wu, H., Yuan, T., Zhang, Z.*, & Hu, X.* (2024). Right frontal gamma transcranial alternating current stimulation modulates optimism biases.

Chen, D.Xia, T.Yao, Z.Zhang, L., & Hu, X.* (2023) Modulating social learning-induced evaluation updating during human sleep.

Chen, D.Yao, Z.Liu, J., Wu, H., & Hu, X.* (2023). Social conformity updates the neural representation of facial attractiveness. doi:

Guo, S.Chen, D., & Hu, X.* (2023) How does an alternative explanation reduce the continued influence effect of misinformation? An ERP investigation.

Xia, T.Chen, D.Zeng, S.Yao, Z., Liu, J., Qin, S., Paller, K.A., Torres-Platas, S. G., Antony, J.W., & Hu, X.* (2023) Aversive memories can be weakened during human sleep via the reactivation of positive interfering memories.

Varma, M. M. #Zeng, S. #, Singh, L., Holmes, E. A., Huang, J.Chiu, M, H., & Hu, X.* (2023). A systematic review and meta-analysis of modulating intrusive memories from lab-analogue trauma.


Yao, Z.Xia, T., Wei, J., Zhang, Z., Lin, X., Zhang, D., Qin, P., Ma, Y.*, & Hu, X.* (accepted). Reactivating cued approached positive personality traits during sleep promotes positive self-referential processing. iScience.

Lin, X.Chen, D.Liu, J., Yao, Z.Xie, H., Anderson, M.*, & Hu, X.* (2024). Observing the suppression of individual aversive memories from conscious awareness. Cerebral Cortex, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhae080

Liu, J.Xia, T.Chen, D.Yao, Z.Zhu, M., Antony, J. W., Lee, T.M.*, & Hu, X.* (2023). Item-specific neural representations during human sleep support long-term memory. PLoS Biology, 21(11): e3002399. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3002399

Jin, R.Xia, T., Gawronski, B., & Hu, X.* (2023). Attitudinal effects of stimulus co-occurrence and stimulus relations: Sleep supports propositional learning via memory consolidation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14(1), 51-59.

Varma, M. M.#Chen, D.#Lin, X., Aknin, L. B., & Hu, X.* (2023). Prosocial behavior promotes positive emotion during the COVID-19 pandemic. Emotion, 23(2), 538-553. doi: 10.1037/emo0001077

Xia, T., Antony, J.W., Paller, K.A., & Hu, X.* (2023). Targeted memory reactivation during sleep influences social bias as a function of slow-oscillation phase and delta power. Psychophysiology, 60(5), e14224.

Xia, T.Yao, Z., Guo, X., Liu, J., Chen, D., Liu, Q.*, Paller, K.A., & Hu, X.* (2023). Updating memories of unwanted emotions during human sleep. Current Biology, 33(2), 309-320.

Xie, H., Lin, X., Hu, W., & Hu, X.* (2023). Emotion regulation promotes forgetting of negative social feedback: Behavioral and EEG evidence. Acta Psychologica Sinica 心理學報, 55(6), 905-919. [in Chinese] 

Li, S.#Xie, H.#, Zheng, Z., Chen, W., Xu, F., Hu, X., & Zhang, D.* (2022). The causal role of the bilateral ventrolateral prefrontal cortices on emotion regulation of social feedback. Human Brain Mapping, 43(9)2898-2910. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25824

Ling, J.#Lin, X.#, Li, X., Chan, N. Y., Zhang, J., Wing, Y. K., Hu, X.*, Li, S. X.* (2022) Neural response to rewards in youths with insomnia. SLEEP, 45(2),

Varma, M. M., & Hu, X.* (2022) Prosocial behaviour reduces unwanted intrusions of experimental traumatic memories. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 148, 103998

Xie, H., Mo, L., Li, S., Liang, J., Hu, X.*, & Zhang, D.* (2022) Aberrant social feedback processing and its impact on memory, social evaluation, and decision making among individuals with depressive symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorder, 300, 366-376.

Zeng, S.#Lin, X.#, Wang, J., & Hu, X.* (2021) Sleep’s short-term memory preservation and long-term affect depotentiation effect in emotional memory consolidation: behavioral and EEG evidence. SLEEP, 44(11), zsab155,

Ling, J.#Lin, X.#, Li, X., Chan, N. Y., Zhang, J., Wing, Y.K., Hu, X.*, & Li, S. X*. (2021) Altered brain activity related to inhibitory processing in youth with insomnia. Journal of Sleep Research, 30(6),

Zeng, S., Lau, E., Li, S. X., & Hu, X.* (2021). Sleep differentially impacts involuntary intrusion and voluntary recognition of lab-analogue traumatic memories. Journal of Sleep Research, 30(3), e13208.

Xie, H.Hu, X., Mo, L., & Zhang, D.*. (2021) Forgetting positive social feedback is difficult: ERP evidence from a directed forgetting paradigm. Psychophysiology, 58(5), e13790.

Yao, Z.Lin, X., & Hu, X.* (2021) Optimistic amnesia: How online and offline processing shape belief updating and memory biases in immediate and long-term optimism biases. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 16(5), 453-462.

Hu, X.*, Cheng, L. Y., Chiu, M. H., & Paller, K.A. (2020). Promoting memory consolidation during sleep: A meta-analysis of targeted memory reactivation. Psychological Bulletin, 146(3), 218-244.

Xie, H., Chen, Y., Lin, Y., Hu, X.*, & Zhang, D.* (2020). Can’t Forget: Disruption of the right prefrontal cortex impairs voluntary forgetting in a recognition test, Memory, 28, 60-69,

Hu, X.*, Bergström, Z.M., Gagnepain, P., & Anderson, M.C. (2017). Suppressing unwanted memories reduces their unintended influences. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 26, 197-206. doi: 10.1177/0963721417689881

Hu, X.*, Gawronski, B., & Balas, R. (2017). Propositional versus dual-process accounts of evaluative conditioning: II. The effectiveness of counter-conditioning and counter-instructions in changing implicit and explicit evaluations. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8. 858-866. doi:10.1177/1948550617691094

Hu, X.*, Gawronski, B., & Balas, R. (2017). Propositional versus dual-process accounts of evaluative conditioning: I. The effects of co-occurrence and relational information on implicit and explicit evaluations. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43, 17-32. doi: 10.1177/0146167216673351

Hu, X., Antony, J. W., Creery, J. D., Vargas, I. M., Bodenhausen, G. V., & Paller, K. A.* (2015). Unlearning implicit social biases during sleep. Science, 348, 1013-1015. doi: 10.1126/science.aaa3841.

Hu, X.*, Bergström, Z. M., Bodenhausen, G. V., & Rosenfeld, J. P. (2015). Suppressing unwanted autobiographical memories reduces their automatic influences: Evidence from electrophysiology and an implicit autobiographical memory test. Psychological Science, 26, 1098-1106. doi: 10.1177/0956797615575734.


HKU Psychology