Prof. Yuanwei YAO

Assistant Professor

Office: 6.04

Phone: (852) 3917-5096



Ph.D. (Psychology), 2022, Freie Universität Berlin
M.Sc. (Psychology), 2018, Beijing Normal University
B.Sc. (Psychology), 2015, Beijing Normal University


Decision-making: Neural and cognitive processes related to various decision situations (e.g., monetary and social), using a combination of behavioral experiments, neuroimaging, meta-analysis, and computational modeling.

Internet Psychology: Effects of internet use on human cognition. My previous research focused on decision-making and reward processing deficits in internet use disorders.


Yao, Y. W., Song, K. R., Schuck, N. W., Li, X., Fang, X. Y., Zhang, J. T., Heekeren, H. R., & Bruckner, R. (2023). The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex is involved in subjective value representation across effort-based and risky decision-making. NeuroImage, 279, 120326.

Yao, Y. W., Zhang, J. T., Fang, X. Y., Liu, L., & Potenza, M. N. (2022). Reward‐related decision‐making deficits in internet gaming disorder: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Addiction, 117, 19-32.

Lopez-Gamundi, P*., Yao, Y. W*., Chong, T. T., Heekeren, H. R., Herrero, E. M., & Pallares, J. M. (2021). The neural basis of effort valuation: A meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 131, 1275-1287.

Yao, Y. W., Liu, L., Worhunsky, P. D., Lichenstein, S., Ma, S. S., Yang, S., Zhang, J. T., & Yip, S. W. (2020). Is monetary reward processing altered in drug-naïve youth with a behavioral addiction? Findings from internet gaming disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical, 26, 102202.

Yao, Y. W*., Chen, P. R*., Li, C. R., Hare, T. A., Li, S., Zhang, J. T., Liu, L., Ma, S. S., & Fang, X. Y. (2017). Combined reality therapy and mindfulness meditation decrease intertemporal decisional impulsivity in young adults with Internet gaming disorder. Computers in Human Behavior, 68, 210-216.


Addiction, Cyberpsychology & Choice (ACC) Lab


We are looking for motivated students. Please get in touch with Dr. Yao if you are interested in joining us.

HKU Psychology